It is very important to watch out that your dog is physically and mentally fit. Canines mus have daily enrichment, that is a combination of physical and mental activities to keep them busy, tired and fulfilled. If the pooch is getting bore, they find other ways to deal with lack of stimulation, including destructive behaviors. To stop all this unwanted behaviors and keep your furry pal happy and healthy physically and mentally, you can follow this easy and full of fun tricks to stimulate your pet:

Play Hide And Seek:

Hide the yummy treats filled in a box and make your dog sniff out and find the food for him. This will keep him to stimulate his mind and get some work out too.

Tug And Fun:

To play a safe tugging games with your pooch, you need to teach him let go. After tugging sometimes with your dog, stop tugging and hold the thing still, till your furry pal lets go. Once he lets go, reward him with another game of tug. This trick helps him to think and solve the problem.

Exercise Discipline:

Hold a treat in your fist and keep it tightly closed. Put it in the front of your dog’s nose and wait till he stops sniffing and pushing your hand. As he stop this behavior, offer him the treat. This trick helps to teach you dog patience and obedience.

Regular Walks:

Taking your pooch for a walk on daily basis is a great exercise for him as well as you. Allow your dog to sniff around, it is fun for him. If possible try to change the routes, so that he can experience all types of smell to enjoy and refresh himself.

Puzzle Toys:

Bring a change in your dog’s daily routine by getting some exciting puzzle games for him. There are many puzzle for the pets such as moving levers or compartment to reach a treat. At starting bring a simple and easy puzzle, which help to motivate and make him ready to for difficult challenges. This trick will also help to stimulate him mentally.

Food Stuffed Toys:

If you want your dog to meet his hunting and foraging desires, then you can help him with this trick. In this trick you need to offer your dog a food stuffed toy. Stuff this toy with dog food and give it to him. Then he needs to find a way to reach the food and empty it. With this trick he will be to boost up his physical as well as mental health.

Try out these tricks and you will definitely find your dog active, happy, physically and mentally healthy, compared to his before lifestyle.

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