It is not an easy feat to keep the grotty fleas away from your dog and your home, but treatments and remedies can certainly help you keep them at bay. There are numerous treatments available out there in the market to prevent and get rid of fleas effectively but, if you want to try chemical-free methods, we have put together a list of natural home remedies here, many of which you can make from the ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen.

Ways To Naturally Prevent Fleas On Dogs

How to get rid of fleas on your dog:

If you suspect that your dog is scratching constantly and that he might have fleas, the below methods will help you get rid of them:

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

The slightly acidic pH of ACV creates an unfriendly environment for fleas. Mix ACV and water at a 6:4 ratio, with a pinch of salt, and then pour this mixture into an empty spray bottle. You can spray this mixture on your dog’s coat, avoiding the eye area.

Essential Oils

Essential oils of rosemary, peppermint, neem oil, tea tree oil, etc work well to keep fleas away from your dog. However, because not all essential oils are suitable for use in dogs, it is best to seek the advice of your veterinarian before administering them to your canine companion. Also, these oils should be highly diluted in water (1%) before spraying them onto your dog’s coat as they are very toxic unless diluted.

Flea comb

This is one good approach for removing fleas that we would recommend if you already have a store-bought flea comb, as it doesn’t require any further purchases. Flea combs are meant to remove fleas and their eggs from your dog’s coat without the use of chemicals. They are available in a variety of sizes, but they all contain tightly spaced teeth that remove both eggs and fleas from the dog’s coat. Make sure to immerse the comb in soapy water after each pass to kill any eggs or adults the comb takes up.


Lemon can work wonders in eliminating fleas. Just dip your dog’s comb in freshly squeezed lemon juice and make several passes through his coat or mix a small amount of lemon juice with water while bathing him.

Collars and Bandanas

You can apply 2-3 drops of highly diluted essential oils to your dog’s existing collars and bandanas to repel fleas if you don’t want to spray or rub such mixtures directly onto your pet’s coat.

How to get rid of fleas in your house:

Baking Soda

Baking soda has the power to dehydrate fleas and their eggs. Sprinkle some baking soda onto your carpet and allow it to sit overnight. The next morning, you can vacuum up the baking soda along with the dehydrated fleas.  

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a fine, white silica-based powder made from the fossilized remnants of microscopic diatoms. It damages the exoskeletons of fleas and other pests (ticks, ants, bedbugs) when they come into touch with it, causing them to dry up and die. Dust it in areas where you suspect heavy flea activity, such as carpets, and let it sit for two days before vacuuming completely.


Much like baking soda and diatomaceous earth, sprinkling salt on your carpet and furniture before vacuuming will dehydrate and kill fleas and flea eggs the next day. However, it should be used with caution since if not properly cleaned out after vacuuming, it can cause rust in your vacuum cleaner.


You can steep the needles of rosemary in boiling water until they are soft, then drain them and dilute. Pour the water on your dog and work it into his coat once it has reached a comfortable temperature. If your dog doesn’t like to be bathed like this, you can also prepare a fine powder of dried rosemary, fennel, wormwood, and rue in a pestle and mortar to sprinkle around your home.

Brewer’s Yeast

The least obvious way to treat fleas is to prevent them from inside out. It’s a well-known fact that healthy dogs are less likely to host parasites. Adding a little brewer’s yeast to your dog’s regular diet is one of the best ways to improve your dog’s health and is a great way to kick off fleas.

Now that you have natural alternatives to deal with fleas and ticks, you can rest assured that your pets will be bug-free, especially when there are so many terrible insects to contend with throughout the year.