It can be perplexing to see your well to do dog all of a sudden twitching, growling, screaming or whining during their sleep. Well, those are the signs which indicate that your dog is having a nightmare because even dogs experience nightmares just as we do. According to a study, it has been found that human and dog brains are structurally similar. However, many pet parents are sceptical about dogs dreaming and some are even confused whether dogs actually dream or not. So, here’s some interesting information about dogs dreaming and nightmares.

The Science Behind Dogs And Dreams

Scientific research says that dogs have a predictable sleep cycle just like humans. They experience the same kind of electrical activity as we do. Veterinary behaviourists and neurologists believe that dogs suffer from true sleep disturbance caused during REM (Rapid-Eye Moment) sleep. Dogs are likely to experience lifelike dreams once they reach the REM sleep. Human dreaming pattern is similar to dog dreaming patterns as their life cycles are same. Therefore, humans and dogs experience REM sleep which is the time when dreams occur that we remember. So, now when we know that dogs have dreams, let’s dig deeper on how they experience nightmares.

Why Do Dogs Have Nightmares?

Well, here’s where humans and dogs’ brain function similarly so let’s talk in that context.  We, humans, are crazy enough to take our imagination and creativity level at its peak and may end up dreaming about aliens, dragons or the weirder stuff that doesn’t even exist on the planet. But, dogs do not have creative imagination as they cannot visualize unknown. So, according to the researchers, it was found that dogs dream about specific events in their life. For instance, if your dog had a traumatic past being a stray animal then that can also haunt his dreams. Well, there’s no apt way to decode dog’s dreams, so all that we can do is observe our dog during their sleep and guess.

How To Tell If Your Dog Is Having A Nightmare?

If your dog is having a nightmare, he may exhibit these signs.

  • Barking
  • Whining
  • Growling
  • Twitching
  • Whimpering
  • Tense Jaw
  • Sweaty paws
  • Heavy breathing
  • Eyes moving and eyelids twitching
  • Bubble-like noises

What To Do If Your Dog Is Having a Nightmare?

If you observe your dog displaying these signs or frightening behaviour during his sleep, these are the things you can do first.

  • Ensure not to touch or shake your dog as he might bite you. Just try to wake him up with your voice.
  • Meticulously observe your pet’s behaviour while he’s sleeping and awake.
  • If your pet frequently displays such behaviour while he’s asleep, take the video of the sleep disorder to show your vet.
  • Take an appointment with your vet to discuss the issue

How You Can Help Stop Nightmares In Dogs?

It can be hard to see your pup startled out of a frightening dream and you would want to do the best possible thing to get him rid of these nightmares. Therefore, if your pooch suffers from disrupted sleep, here are the things you can do to ease and comfort him.

  • Create a sooting environment
  • Provide a crate as it gives them a secure sleeping spot
  • Play quiet music before sleep
  • You can also make your pet wear Thundershirt as it calms your pet down and controls anxiety
  • Place stuffed animals on your pet’s bed
  • Take your Fido for a walk and show him new places
  • Have a cosy blanket covering your pup’s body and ears while he’s sleeping

Above all the tricks and tips to stop nightmares in dogs just spend more and more time with your pup. So that the only dreams he will have is about you and the happy time you both spent together. Let your dog know that you are there for him now and it will surely make him feel better.

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