Dogs communicate with us and others in their own elegant and unique way. They make full use of their parts of the body to communicate, and in this blog we will be looking into how with the help of their body language, dogs can communicate with us without much hindrance. So without any delays, let us dive straight into the 5 valuable tips on canine body language.

#1. The Eyes

When you look into the eyes of your canine, pay close attention to the sclera (the white part of the eyes) and watch the intensity of your dog’s gaze. When your four-legged buddy is feeling tensed, the eyes might appear to be much rounder than it normall would. Moreover, if you notice that the pupils are dilated, it is a sign of fear or stress. A dog that is relaxed would generally squint and you will not notice any white-colored thingy in their eyes.

#2. The Mouth

If you observe your dog panting with its mouth open and having no facial expression, then it means he is relaxed. A dog that is tensed or is fearful will generally have its mouth closed and might pull its lips back at the corners. You will also notice him panting very rapidly. Moreover, some dogs will also show a submissive grin or smile and this can be seen when his front teeth are visible while he is panting. Besides, if your dog yawns or licks his lips quite often, it could be early signs of stress, epsecially if you hear whining sounds as well.

#3. The Hair

Just by looking at your dog’s hair, you can tell a lot about their body language. When the hair seems raised, it is most likely that your four-legged pal is upset or aroused. Raised hair does not always mean that your dog is aggressive, it could also indicate that your canine is excited about something. Moreover, if your dog is frightened or stressed, you’ll notice them shedding their fur.

#4. The Ears

Ear positionings tells you a lot about a dog’s body language, and it is quite easy to comprehend what your dog is feeling. When the ears are slightly back or are out to the sides, your dog in all likelihood, is relaxed. But when the ears move forward and is pointing towards a subject of interest, it becomes more aroused.

#5. The Tail

When you observe a dog’s tail, there are a couple of things you need to take note of. One, the position of the tail, and two, how the tail is moving. A dog that is relaxed will have its tail in a neutral position that would extend out from the spine or below the spine level. If the dog is excited, it will generally rise above the spine lvel. On the other hand, a dog that is fearful will tuck its tail between its rear legs.

As you have just read, the body language of a dog can tell you a lot about what they are feeling and it helps a great deal in communicating with them. Now that you have a fair idea about this, why not share the knowledge with other pet parents too? Moreover, if you are looking for cheap and quality pet care supplies, do not forget to visit DiscountPetCare Australia!